International Workshop on Green Computing & Communication Technologies
Important dates :
Paper Submission: September 16, 2018
Acceptance notification: September 29, 2018
Camera-ready Submission: October 05, 2018
Author Registration: October 05, 2018
21-23 November 2018, Kenitra Rabat, Morocco
Many environmental problems are increased by traditional computing and communication infrastructures including greenhouse gas emissions, high energy consumption and waste production and disposal. Hence, the need to create new algorithms, methodologies, tools and platforms to support next generation of computer networks, communication systems and other IT infrastructures. These solutions include the design of green computing and communications solutions with higher energy efficiency, lower greenhouse gas emissions, more renewable energies use and less toxic materials.
The purpose of the International Workshop on Green Computing and Communication technologies (GreComTec’18) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the advances and applications in the field of Green Information and Communication Technologies, Sustainability, Energy Aware Systems and Technologies. GreComTec’18 will be an exciting forum to exchange new ideas regarding advancements in the state-of-art of green computing and communications, as well as to identify the emerging research topics and open issues for further researches.
Extended versions of best selected papers presented in the International Workshop on Green Computing and Communication technologies (GreComTec’18) will be published after further revisions in a book published by IGI Global. (Pending approval from IGI Global)
Scope and Topics
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
- Green-oriented protocols, computation and services
- Green Technologies for Mobile, Wireless, Wired Industrial Networking
- Green infrastructure sustainable design and technologies
- Green and sustainable computing
- Green computing and Internet of Things
- Green industrial automation and control
- Green cloud computing and big data
- Green Standardizations and Benchmarks for ICT
- Energy efficient networking, communication and protocols
- Energy storage
- Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal
- Circuitry for energy harvesting and scavenging
- Smart Energy and Smart Grid
- power-aware software and hardware
- Intelligent signal processing for Green communications
- Ecosystem Modeling
- Measurement and modeling of energy consumption
- Accepted and presented papers will be considered for potential publication in High Quality Indexed International Journals(Elseiver, EI, Scopus…): see the following link:
Paper Submission:
Authors should submit a paper (3 to 6 pages length, in PDF format Only) describing original works using the following template : GreComTech-Template
Workshop Chairs
- Noura AKNIN, FS Tétouan, Morocco
- Ali EL MOUSSATI, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
Technical Program Committee
Noura AKNIN, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco
Tawfik AL-HADHRAMI, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Mostafa AZIZI, EST Oujda, Morocco
Mohammed BENABDELLAH, FSJES Oujda, Morocco
Mohamed BOUHORMA, FST Tangier, UAE, Morocco
Mohammed BOULMALF, UIR, Morocco,
Ernest CACHIA, Faculty of ICT, University of Malta, Malta
Mouloud CHALLAL, University of Boumerdes, Algeria
Rachid EL BOUAYADI, ENSA Kénitra, Morocco
Kamal Eddine EL KADIRI, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco
Lahoucine EL MAIMOUNI, Ibn Zohr University, Morocco
Ali EL MOUSSATI, ENSA Oujda, Morocco
Ahmed EL OUALKADI, ENSA Tangier, Morocco
Abdelhadi FENNAN, FST Tanger, UAE, Morocco
Chaker ELAMRANI, FST Tanger, UAE, Morocco
Gaïs EL ZEIN, INSA Rennes, France
Ahmed FAIZE, FPN Nador, Morocco
Francisco FALCONE, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain
Kamel HADDADI, IEMN Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Aawatif HAYAR, ENSEM, University Hassan II, Morocco.
Alfonso INFANTE MORO, Universidad de Huelva, Spain
Kidiyo KPALMA, INSA Rennes, France
Latif LADID, University of Luxembourg
Lohaled LAZAAR, ENSA Tétouan, UAE, Morocco
Omar MOUSSAOUI, EST Oujda, Morocoo
Aris M. OUKSEL, University of Illinois, USA
Boubker SBIHI, ESI Rabat, Morocco
Hassan SILKAN, Faculty of Sciences El Jadida, Morocco
Youness TABII, ENSA Tétouan, UAE, Morocco
Luay TAHAT, Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait
Mohammed TALIBI ALAOUI, FST Fès, Morocco
Noura AKNIN :